Asking God to Multiply My Time

Drawing inspiration from Jesus’ example of praying to his Father daily, and the story of Him multiplying loaves, this post emphasizes the importance of starting each day with prayer and surrendering burdens to God. Praying for clear direction and trusting in God’s plan, results in a more balanced and fulfilling life. Prayer is for every season.

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Divine Timing: When God Answers Prayer Instantly

In the middle of life’s storms, sometimes God’s responses to our prayers take time, while in other situations He answers quickly. This week was a testament to God answering prayers just as I voiced them, reinforcing the comforting truth that in every situation, God is listening and answering according to his perfect will.

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Unleash the Magic by Teaching Reading

Have you ever taught anyone to read before?  Teaching reading is like magic, but often a lot of hard work and determination needs to be tossed into the mix. Getting Out of the Comfort Zone The first person I ever taught to read was almost 18 years old. At the…

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Five Truths About God’s Love

This post contains an affiliate link. In February we consider the prospect of love.  Hearts, flowers, candy, and Valentine’s Day focus on romantic love, but I would like to consider the very strongest form of love, agape. This selfless love is given freely, without obligation or regardless of worth.  It…

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