New Year’s Resolutions

Setting Goals

Each New Year bursts forth with fresh beginnings and possibilities.  We are given a chance to reflect on the past and make positive changes for the new year.  As part of the rebirth routine, I celebrate by making New Year Resolutions and setting goals.  Since I am sometimes afraid of failure, I don’t usually share my ambitions with very many people.  My thought patterns follow this old scenario, “If I don’t say it out loud, no one will know or judge me when I fail.” However, in 2022 I resolve to be more transparent and vulnerable. So here goes! 

Spiritual Goal – Pursue Prayer:

A few years ago, I dedicated one hour every Monday morning to pray.  In 2022, I resolve to get back to that.  Although I make attempts at prayer nearly every day, setting aside that one extra hour to do nothing but talk with God starts my work week off in better communion with Him. 

Sixty minutes, every seven days doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it changes my mindset with a positive effect on the entire week. I have more focus on the big picture (God is in charge and I am not).  In addition, I am more inclined throughout the week to stop and pray for others on the spot.  Later, I list all requests in a journal and continue to pray.  When I record my prayers and watch for God’s answers, my faith and trust in Him grows.  

I use this simple spiral notebook to journal bible verses and prayer requests.

This past year has been full of trouble. People have some very serious problems. My desire is to help others, but oftentimes I don’t know what to say and there is nothing that I can physically do.  Although I don’t know how to help, God does!  I can listen, comfort, and pray to the one who really can make the needed changes.  Prayer makes all the difference.

To date – I have done my first “hour of prayer” on Monday 1/3.  

Physical Goal – Gain Strength and Stamina, Lose Weight

This is the section where I really don’t want to share!  But if I am going to be honest with everyone (including myself), I need to lose some weight. I also aspire to be stronger and more physically fit.  To meet these goals, I plan on doing three things: walk an average of three miles per day, stretch at least two days a week, and lift weights two days a week. 

To date –  I am failing in this department. 

Pedometer Screenshot.

My excuse?  It has been raining, so I have not walked much.  I just looked at my pedometer and my daily average is 1.8 mi. Also, the week is almost over and I have not stretched or lifted.  Ugg! Fortunately, I have over 20 days left in the month in which to bring up my walking average. It’s a good thing I am looking at this now. 

Financial Goal – Save Money for Needed Repairs

My financial goal is to stop up the leaks, literally.  Money has to be saved for two major projects.  First of all, I have an inground swimming pool that is leaking water. Once we pressure test the pool’s pipes, we need to replace the liner.

I also have a house that needs to be shored up with new windows and siding. The worst leaks on the house are patched, but there is more to be done in the summer of 2022.  All spare change will need to be used to keep water where it is supposed to be. 

To date: By the end of next month, I will have all of the funds to cover the cost of the pool estimates. Yay!

Social Goal – Spend Time with Others

Sharing hospitality with others makes my whole family happy.  With Covid, we really hunkered down and stayed inside, but now that things are opening up again, we are ready to party!  We want to get together with friends, family, and neighbors as often as possible.  

To date: We kicked off the New Year with an invite to friends and family to come over and watch the college football bowl games.  Wednesday, my boys had a “The Book of Bobo Fet” watch party with their friends. 

Mental Goal – Control My Thoughts

I recently observed that my main source of stress and/or anxiety comes from conflict in relationships.  I just want everyone to get along and show love and respect for each other.  When they don’t, especially when they are people close to me, my stomach clenches and my head pounds.  I feel the adrenaline pump through my veins in a flight or fight response with nowhere to go.  If you are anything like me, then you will identify that this has been a tough year.  

I can’t control the world or even the Christian church which seems to be divided in so many ways.  I can’t control my friends or family members.  But with the equipping of the Holy Spirit, I can control myself.  This year, I want to respond to conflict with love. I want to show more love to my friends, family, co-workers, students, and fellow church members, regardless of their beliefs or ugliness.  And when I feel anxious, I resolve to practice taking my thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and think on good things instead (Philippians 4:8-9)

To date: I am struggling in the area of worry.  Will you pray for me?

Now It’s Your Turn

So there you have it.  Now it’s your turn to make some New Year Resolutions.  There are no wrong answers!  Your resolution can be short yet profound like my Uncle’s, “Listen more, speak less.”

Or your goal can be in just one category like my friend who has a physical goal to cut down on sugar and get in shape for an upcoming surgery.

I believe that God gives us certain desires and then equips us with the Holy Spirit to accomplish the tasks he has in store for us.  If you share your intentions below, I promise to join you in prayer as you strive for positive outcomes.

What do you think? Leave a comment.