Formatting Writing Assignments

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a list of tips and tricks for formatting and editing writing assignments right at your fingertips? As the Writing Specialist for a local charter school, I advise students to make the same corrections on their papers, day after day, year after year.  Now…

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Teaching and Writing Poetry

Writing Poetry is about Choice: Poetry is shorter than prose, so the writer must pick the most powerful and precise language possible to pack the punch. Into my toolbox, I pack an idea, a feeling, a poetic structure, and a thesaurus. The Idea: An idea is a topic you would…

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New Year’s Resolutions

Setting Goals Each New Year bursts forth with fresh beginnings and possibilities.  We are given a chance to reflect on the past and make positive changes for the new year.  As part of the rebirth routine, I celebrate by making New Year Resolutions and setting goals.  Since I am sometimes…

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Being a Christian During COVID

Dear Christian Friend, You didn’t see me at church for a long time. It was not because I am lazy or complacent. It was not because I was sick.  Instead it was because of the COVID-19 mandates in California and the compassion I have for my unbelieving friends and coworkers.  …

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