A Focus on God’s Word Brings Joy and Comfort

The ebb and flow of work, school, and politics vacillates.  Consider COVID-19. Overnight, it revised the way things had been done. More people adjusted to work at home which modified traffic, office building rentals, and our dwellings.  Zoom conferencing invaded our personal havens and our privacy.  Businesses had to suddenly…

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My Husband Has a Brain Tumor

Living With a Vestibular Disorder My husband has a brain tumor.  It’s just a tiny little thing between the size of a pea and a peanut.  It’s not cancerous and it’s slow-growing.  Although it is not life-threatening, it is life-altering.  Before we knew that it even existed, my husband would…

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Facing Unforgiveness – Learn to Forgive

I recently spoke with a young woman who had been wronged years earlier by her best friend from childhood.  Rumors had spread that were untrue and hurtful to her.  She carried a terrible weight on her shoulders that was eating her away inside.  It was the heavy burden of unforgiveness.…

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Work-Life Balance

Do you ever feel like your work life is spinning out of control?  I know how I feel when my work-life balance is out of whack, stressed, and uncreative.  I have trouble solving problems because they are overwhelming, and I feel tired all the time, but cannot sleep.  Sometimes, a…

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