Borrowed Boxes

A Tribute to my mother who boxes things, but not people. Box Collectors Ever since I was a little girl, my mom has collected boxes.  Every box she ever received, she stored in our attic.  This included appliance boxes, technology boxes, and gift boxes.  It was quite the assortment.  It…

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Reflections on Christian Characteristics

When we consider the animal kingdom, we see that each type of animal has basic features and traits which allow it to be classified and grouped into categories. Animals show their true nature in appetite, behavior, environment, and association.  Likewise, as Christians, we should contemplate our own life’s appetites, behaviors,…

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Take a Hike: A Shelter-in-Place Family Idea:

My family enjoys outdoor activities. There’s nothing like spending time together, breathing in the fresh air, and getting some much-needed exercise. Because we all take pleasure in hiking, my friend gave us a trail guide-book for Christmas, Day Hiking, Mount Shasta, Lassen and Trinity Alps Regions, by John Soares.  Since…

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