Designing Rules for Homeschool

So you’ve decided to homeschool.  You chose your curriculum and gathered your supplies. Pencils are sharpened; lessons are planned.  You know your children like no one else, and you know this is going to be great! But before you jump in, there is one more thing that will make schooling…

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Why Are We Here?

Last night I was at a Christian High School awards ceremony.  Toward the end of the night, one young athlete asked if he could say something.  The coach stepped aside and gave him the mic. “I have been standing here, praying,” he said.  “And the word that kept coming to…

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My Carr Fire Story

Sometimes it’s odd things that stir up memories of the Carr Fire. Last month, it was the way the wind blew on a beautiful summer day that struck fear and dread in my heart.  A few weeks ago, I packed a shirt for a vacation to Tahoe, and the memories…

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My Personal Teaching Journey

Every teacher and every homeschooling parent has a unique backstory.  One that explains motivations, struggles and fears.  One that demonstrates their love of learning and confirms their devotion to their students.  When I was a teen, I had a poster in my room which depicted the shadow of a bird…

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The “To Do” List

Yesterday I gave my older son a list of things to Do while I was at work: Dogs Dishes Dirty laundry Dinner Then later, I asked him to Drive his brother to swim practice. Today I am going to ask him to Dust. We laughed because, as you can see,…

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