How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? If I am honest in my reflections, I must admit I am not doing so hot. I had grand hopes of weightlifting three days a week, yet I haven’t even picked up the dumbbells. Another goal was to average three miles per day walking, but the first two weeks of January were filled with howling winds and dumping rain so my average is more like 2.1 miles per day.
It’s been a crazy first month of the year. It began with our annual New Year’s Eve party, and it is ending with my children moving out of the house. Meanwhile, the furnace malfunctioned during the storm, and my job squelched my efforts at work-life balance.
Although I am failing at most of my New Year goals, I have succeeded with reading my Bible and journaling almost every day with the January Journal Prompts. While the winds screamed and tore down neighboring trees and fences, I meditated on the joy of my salvation. In the third week, I saw God’s faithfulness amidst all my failures. This week, I left off by considering God’s Goodness.
One of the ways that God manifests his goodness is by showering us with love. There’s no better time to look at God’s love than in February when we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Don’t be dismayed if you do not have a significant other. God loves you more than any mere human could. He loves you so much that he sent his son to take our sins so that we can spend time with Him now and in heaven forever.
Please join me this month in reading, praying, and journaling. Not only will we meditate on love, but also on God’s mercy and patience.
Let me know how you are enjoying the journal prompts. Feel free to share what you are learning during your quiet time with the LORD in the comment section below.