Dear Christian Friend,
You didn’t see me at church for a long time. It was not because I am lazy or complacent. It was not because I was sick. Instead it was because of the COVID-19 mandates in California and the compassion I have for my unbelieving friends and coworkers.
You might believe I was in violation of Hebrews 10:25 which says, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” Although I did not attend the larger in-person services, I met with you one-on-one. You will remember us praying on the phone together, meeting outside on the river trail to walk and talk about what the Lord is doing in our lives, or meeting on Zoom.
In addition, I still rose early on Sunday mornings and attended the live stream activities. I sang with you, listened to the sermon, took notes, and participated in communion with the body of believers. We encouraged each other in the ways of the Lord. Though it was not quite the same as being there in person, I felt I was following God’s leading.
Requests From My Employer
You see, several months ago, I listened to a sermon on Colossians 3:22-4:1. In it, the pastor expounded on Biblical principles that finally changed society for the better. He explained that when it came to our employee/employer relationships, we are to obey in all things. He stated that we cannot pick and choose except in the case of our employer asking us to sin or deny Christ.
I really took the message to heart because my job required me to wear a mask and social distance, making it difficult to attend church in person. Wearing a mask is not sinful or immoral and following my boss’s directions glorifies God. As one of my Christian co-workers said at the time, “We are not being political, we might not even be scientific, but we are following the rules.” So I tried to wear a mask even when I preferred not to. And I avoided the sanctuary full of people.
Government Mandates
It is difficult to argue with the fact that in the same way we obey our employers, we are to comply with the government. Romans 13:1-2 says: “Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.” The only exception is when the government asks us to go against what it says in the Bible.
I was hopeful that churches in my community would follow the COVID-19 guidelines by having services outside when possible and putting a seat between families to physically distance, increasing airflow, and asking people to wear masks when it was not possible. None of this goes against God’s word.
Although most churches did adhere to the recommendations, others touted religious freedom over compliance. Some churches seemed almost proud that they didn’t require masks or social distancing. Others turned political, taking pride in defying government recommendations and mandates. One of my friends posed this question when the pandemic was at its height in Redding, CA, “Do Christians want to be known as kind and loving or political during COVID?” My answer is emphatically, “Kind and Loving!” (But I am sorry to say that it didn’t always look that way in our community.)
Attitude in Action
Which leads me to the second, but more important reason that I did not attend in-person church services, worship nights, home fellowships, potlucks, or picnics. I felt that it was not kind and loving to needlessly put my unbelieving co-workers and students at risk. I have heard some people say that COVID-19 is a hoax, but I don’t believe it. Many personal friends and family members were very sick with it. Several were hospitalized, and one died because of the virus. That’s just in my little group. According to, over 4.3 million people have died of the Coronavirus to date (August 9, 2021). This breaks my heart!
It’s one thing to be a Christian. My hope is in Christ. I know that my life is held in His hands and that when it runs out, I will be in heaven with Him forever. Praise the Lord! I am looking forward to the day and time with excitement. However, this is not true of the unbeliever.
My friends who don’t know God are shaking in fear. This life is all they know. And they are going to do whatever they can to stay alive. So, I am not ranting and raving about business policies or school policies. If I can calm their fears, I am going to get vaccinated, wear a mask, hand sanitize, and stand six feet away when I am with them.
Love For Others
I don’t want the exercise of my rights to become a stumbling block for the week (1 Cor 8:9). Instead, I want to show everyone love and compassion. What happens if I am the one who transmits the coronavirus to an unbeliever? Then they could truly blame the “Christians” for their illness, dragging our name and reputation through the mud. I believe that we have a responsibility for the most vulnerable, and I would rather be loving than show entitlement during these uncertain times.
The World is Watching
Our non-Christian friends observe to see how we deal with the troubles of the world. They are looking to see if our attitudes are Christlike and if we follow the state guidelines.
As California begins to open up, now is the time to assess. How did Christians perform during the pandemic? Did outsiders see the “Joy of the Lord” as we shopped in our local markets with our masks on? Or did they see our impatience with the little things like longer lines at Starbucks?
I am sorry to say that my little slice of the world is still in turmoil. There are complaints about the government, the elections, vaccinations, and safeguards in the workplace as people return to their jobs. Now with the new Delta Variant, masks are again recommended for everyone, regardless of whether or not they have been vaccinated. On August 2nd the California Department of Public Health stated that all K-12 students are required to mask indoors as they return to school. This is not over.
A Witness:
As for me, I plan to continue to ask myself the tough questions and follow my conscience in this matter. The church has the right answers as long as we stay true to God’s Word and don’t get caught up in politics or conspiracy theories.
I want to be a comfort and a witness to a frightened world by demonstrating the love of Christ. True love puts the concerns of others over our own selfish desires. Therefore, I am going to continue to follow the mandates and guidelines regarding this disease until they conflict with the Bible. I will also keep praying for the unbeliever to be saved and for all Christians to be faithful to God and considerate of others.
Won’t you join me?
Your Sister in Christ
I agree with you. I often carry my mask to see what is needful as I go in and out of stores. I did get the immunizations. I felt that both are the logical thing to do. One to not offend others in stores that require masks…now for the unvaccinated and the other for a less severe illness.
I am thankful for the live stream of our church service so that we could still participate while shut down and afterwards, when my back was painful. I, too, sang along and took notes on the sermon.
As soon as I could, I did not have any work related rules to conflict with going right back to church as soon as it opened. Being together is strengthening to me. Being with others has been good for me because I find myself more alone today because of the virus.
I was able to keep having TGIF with friends. I was able to have our Bible Study Group out on the porch or over zoom. Preferred on the porch with real people. TGIF is still around a table here in our home instead of an eatery. I tried to keep things as normal as possible. Also, we still had family gatherings for dinners on special occasions, right now it is a group of 6…it will grow in the future.
I have followed a saying that I learned during covid. “If you belong to Jesus: Look back and be thankful; Look around and be helpful; Look ahead and trust Him; Look up and Expect Him.” That is what I intend to do as long as I am here on earth…I also add to look around and people who do not know and love Jesus yet and be prayerful that God would reveal Himself to them that they be saved. I do not want them to be left behind or go into eternity without Jesus!
Each of us Christians needs to ask God for Wisdom and discernment in every area of our lives and in every relationship, and in every action. That we be the best ambassadors for Jesus that we can be in this crazy mixed up world we have been chosen to live in at this time. What ever the Holy Spirit tells us to do will be unique but it will be loving and kind and generous and encouraging to the lives of those around us. By God’s grace let us minister God’s Character to those God brings closest to us through simple things done in love on a regular basis. I feel that as the Christian’s calling. Most of us will not do what the world labels GRAND or GLORIOUS! We can all do little loving things as we walk daily with our Lord Jesus.
There was a radio program long ago that always said, “LITTLE IS MUCH WHEN GOD IS IN IT.”
What a great perspective you have! We cannot go wrong if we do what is, “loving and kind and generous and encouraging.” Thanks for sharing your heart and your fun quotes. I am going to be mindful to “Look back and be thankful; Look around and be helpful; Look ahead and trust Him (Jesus); Look up and Expect Him.”
Very well said. You explained a sensitive issue with Grace!
Thank you. We have all wrestled with this topic for over a year and a half now. There are so many opinions that we are not all going to agree. But even though the conversation is difficult, it is still worth having.